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Sustainable I Economical I Efficient

Sanitized water in air washers, wet separators, and cleaning baths

In the production of electrical parts and electronic components, optimum conditions prevail in terms of temperature, humidity and air purity. Therefore, water-based air scrubbers are often used to clean the air in ventilation and air conditioning systems. When combustible, explosive, moist or sticky dust is to be filtered out of the industrial exhaust air, electronics manufacturers also rely on wet separators. There are also many cleaning processes based on "wet" media. All these processing waters need to be continuously cleaned from microbiological contamination.

Using our hydro-physical water treatment, this is done without chemicals, hygienically, cost-effectively, and environmentally friendly. Since biofilm is also removed, plants can be used longer and more efficiently.

The following applications are used in the Electronic industry:

Liquid purification

Process water purification

Water purification



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