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376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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Sustainable I Economical I Efficient

Optimized water quality in onshore aquaculture

Onshore aquaculture is becoming increasingly important in feeding the world's population.

Good water quality is the be-all and end-all here to keep the fish healthy, to ensure reproduction and thereby increase the yield in order to be economically successful. The hydro-physical water treatment helps to sterilize the water in aquaculture in a purely mechanical way. Harmful bacteria and algae can thus be eliminated without chemical additives or radiation and with a minimum expenditure of energy. The dead biomass is dissolved by cold oxidation so that no new "food" for new germs is created. At the same time, the HP-System increases the oxygen content in the water, which in turn reduces the formation of algae and increases animal welfare. The addition of medication can be reduced or omitted.

The following applications are used in the Food industry:

Process water purification

Water purification



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