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Less biofilm on machines and tools = more efficiency
For example, in metalworking, HP-Technology is used to treat process water—for example, for cooling or industrial (high-pressure) cleaning and deburring of components. By sterilizing the washing baths, the machine's running time can be significantly extended. The cycle time can in turn be shortened by the improved washing and drying time due to the physically thinner water, with a simultaneous reduction in surfactants. This leads to lower costs for the overall system.
In water-mixed cooling lubricants, microorganisms find a rich supply of nutrients and thus good living conditions. They form biofilms both on the surface of the tools and on the machines, which can lead to technical problems during production and health hazards for the personnel. Thanks to our HP-System, these microorganisms are removed in an environmentally friendly way. The cooling lubricant has to be replaced less often, the machines run longer, more reliably and more efficiently, and the product quality increases.
The following applications are used in the Metal industry:
Liquid purification
Process water purification
Water purification
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